Coordinative Structuring of Gait Kinematics during Adaptation to Variable and Asymmetric Split-Belt Treadmill Walking – A Principal Component Analysis Approach

Jacob W Hinkel-Lipsker, M.E. Hahn

January 2018


© 2018 Elsevier B.V. Gait adaptation is a task that requires fine-tuned coordination of all degrees of freedom in the lower limbs by the central nervous system. However, when individuals change their gait it is unknown how this coordination is organized, and how it can be influenced by contextual interference during practice. Such knowledge could provide information about measurement of gait adaptation during rehabilitation. Able-bodied individuals completed an acute bout of asymmetric split-belt treadmill walking, where one limb was driven at a constant velocity and the other according to one of three designed practice paradigms: serial practice, where the variable limb belt velocity increased over time; random blocked practice, where every 20 strides the variable limb belt velocity changed randomly; random practice, where every stride the variable limb belt velocity changed randomly. On the second day, subjects completed one of two different transfer tests; one with a belt asymmetry close to that experienced on the acquisition day (transfer 1; 1.5:1), and one with a greater asymmetry (transfer 2; 2:1). To reduce this inherently high-dimensional dataset, principal component analyses were used for kinematic data collected throughout the acquisition and transfer phases; resulting in extraction of the first two principal components (PCs). For acquisition, PC1 and PC2 were related to sagittal and frontal plane control. For transfer 1, PC1 and PC2 were related to frontal plane control of the base of support and whole-body center of mass. For transfer 2, PC1 did not have any variables with high enough coefficients deemed to be relevant, and PC2 was related to sagittal plane control. Observations of principal component scores indicate that variance structuring differs among practice groups during acquisition and transfer 1, but not transfer 2. These results demonstrate the main kinematic coordinative structures that exist during gait adaptation, and that control of sagittal plane and frontal plane motion are perhaps a trade-off during acquisition of a novel asymmetric gait pattern.

Journal Article

Human Movement Science

